Úspěšný příběh # ProjectV6 pokračuje!
Nyní v čistě bílé barvě přichází 9 jedinečných modelů, jaké dosud v běžném prodeji nikdy nebyli.
Vybraní profíci chytají v těchto rukavicích už delší dobu. Nyní si je můžeš koupit už i ty.

Varan6 Hero NC Aqua

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97566" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Hero Power

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97579" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro+ Power

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97581" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro NC

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97583" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro NC Aqua

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97585" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro GC

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97587" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro Hybrid

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97589" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro RC

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97591" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!

Varan6 Pro RC 4FS

ERROR: Content Element with uid "97593" and type "ksmatrix_tilesslider" has no rendering definition!